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README file template

  • Title:

  • Abstract:

  • Keywords:

  • Funding/grant number:

  • Date project Started:

  • Date files were created:

  • Date the files were last updated:

  • Version:

  • Author information:
    • Full Name
    • Email
    • ORCID
    • Affiliation
  • Principal Investigator:
    • Full Name
    • Email
    • ORCID
    • Affiliation
  • Collaborators: People involved in the project for instance, those involved in sample collection, processing, analysis and/or submission
    • Full Name
    • Email
    • ORCID
    • Affiliation
  • Access rights: Can be viewed by X, Can be edited by X, Can be shared by X, Owned by X

  • License: Sharing & attribution rights

  • Directory structure:

  • File Formats:

  • Links: To related data or publications

  • Data Source:

  • Methods: *i.e. type of experiment, analysis *

  • Naming conventions:

  • Abbreviations:

  • Units of measurement:

  • Codes or symbols:

  • Variable list: Such as column headings for tabular data

  • Quality assurance:

  • Metadata: How will it be generated and where will it be available

  • Data retention schedule: Which data and file format will be kept, how long records should be kept, who is authorized to access it, who is responsible for disposal decision and performance.

  • Data sensitivity: Does it contain private or sensitive data?